Rank | Name | Number | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 5 | Round 6 | Totals |
1 | JulJul (SS -0.122) | 48 | 9,22,35 114 4 | 12,24,36 -7 2 | 2,26,37 61 2 | 5,15,38 62 4 | 8,17,39 119 4 | 11,19,27 177 4 | 20 526 |
2 | mahjong6002 (SS -0.317) | 50 | 11,24,37 -14 2 | 1,26,38 199 4 | 4,15,39 120 4 | 7,17,27 76 4 | 10,19,28 84 4 | 13,21,29 -7 2 | 20 458 |
3 | GreatMind (SS +0.206) | 36 | 10,23,49 47 2 | 12,24,48 134 4 | 1,25,47 -8 2 | 3,26,46 59 4 | 5,14,45 -7 2 | 7,15,44 127 4 | 18 352 |
4 | WuTiao (SS +0.228) | 27 | 1,14,40 79 4 | 3,15,52 106 4 | 5,16,51 -31 1 | 7,17,50 69 2 | 9,18,49 248 4 | 11,19,48 68 2 | 17 539 |
5 | merslith (SS -0.156) | 16 | 3,29,42 49 4 | 4,28,40 62 2 | 5,27,51 -20 2 | 6,39,49 115 4 | 7,38,47 10 1 | 8,37,45 118 4 | 17 334 |
6 | kirchenmaus (SS -0.0167) | 19 | 6,32,45 104 4 | 7,31,43 -17 2 | 8,30,41 140 4 | 9,29,52 337 4 | 10,28,50 44 2 | 11,27,48 -160 0 | 16 448 |
7 | nobody (SS +0.283) | 38 | 12,25,51 79 4 | 1,26,50 -76 1 | 3,14,49 287 4 | 5,15,48 -12 1 | 7,16,47 52 2 | 9,46,17 114 4 | 16 444 |
8 | hushishou22 (SS -0.0444) | 20 | 7,33,46 124 4 | 8,32,44 69 2 | 9,31,42 -56 0 | 10,30,40 31 2 | 11,29,51 182 4 | 12,28,49 92 4 | 16 442 |
9 | Atticus (SS -0.256) | 31 | 5,18,44 -68 2 | 7,19,43 237 4 | 9,20,42 52 4 | 11,21,41 281 4 | 13,22,40 -37 1 | 2,23,52 -65 1 | 16 400 |
10 | Cynosure (SS -0.122) | 47 | 8,21,34 187 4 | 11,23,35 141 4 | 1,25,36 -72 0 | 4,14,37 -24 2 | 7,16,38 71 4 | 18,39,10 85 2 | 16 388 |
11 | tabstop (SS +0.0167) | 14 | 1,27,40 61 2 | 2,39,51 92 4 | 3,38,49 -89 1 | 4,37,47 199 4 | 5,36,45 -8 1 | 6,35,43 65 4 | 16 320 |
12 | Roxan (SS +0.117) | 40 | 1,14,27 -57 1 | 4,16,28 149 4 | 7,18,29 65 2 | 10,20,30 130 4 | 13,22,31 74 4 | 3,24,32 -83 1 | 16 278 |
13 | klary (SS -0.133) | 25 | 12,38,51 19 2 | 13,37,49 -94 1 | 1,36,47 123 4 | 2,35,45 119 4 | 3,34,43 -19 2 | 4,33,41 -8 2 | 15 140 |
14 | lilou974 (SS -0.156) | 44 | 5,18,31 -76 1 | 8,20,32 208 4 | 11,22,33 38 2 | 1,24,34 9 2 | 4,26,35 63 4 | 7,15,36 -15 1 | 14 227 |
15 | ComboRus (SS +0.239) | 10 | 23,36,49 95 4 | 22,34,46 33 2 | 21,32,43 61 4 | 20,30,40 -84 0 | 19,28,50 -100 0 | 18,39,47 96 4 | 14 101 |
16 | Geparda (SS -0.217) | 46 | 7,20,33 123 2 | 10,22,34 -39 1 | 13,24,35 57 2 | 3,26,36 12 2 | 6,15,37 100 4 | 9,38,17 85 2 | 13 338 |
17 | lajosch (SS -0.317) | 52 | 13,26,39 51 2 | 3,15,27 -59 0 | 6,17,28 37 2 | 9,19,29 -110 1 | 12,21,30 114 4 | 2,23,31 164 4 | 13 197 |
18 | xiexienoon (SS +0.511) | 1 | 14,27,40 -83 0 | 26,38,50 -43 2 | 25,36,47 -43 1 | 24,34,44 117 4 | 23,32,41 176 4 | 22,30,51 3 2 | 13 127 |
19 | CnereF (SS -0.0778) | 29 | 3,16,42 -33 1 | 5,17,41 22 2 | 7,18,40 67 4 | 9,19,52 -145 0 | 11,20,51 3 2 | 13,21,50 141 4 | 13 55 |
20 | tiamba (SS +0.422) | 5 | 18,31,44 -157 0 | 17,29,41 41 4 | 16,27,51 -45 0 | 15,38,48 -1 2 | 14,36,45 154 4 | 26,34,42 67 2 | 12 59 |
21 | Rostved66 (SS -0.533) | 33 | 7,20,46 -53 1 | 9,21,45 94 4 | 11,22,44 -37 1 | 13,23,43 7 2 | 2,24,42 -91 0 | 4,25,41 127 4 | 12 47 |
22 | RoseAnne (SS +0.156) | 51 | 12,25,38 -30 1 | 2,14,39 20 2 | 5,16,27 96 4 | 8,18,28 -142 0 | 11,20,29 -49 1 | 1,22,30 41 4 | 12 -64 |
23 | oreggia (SS +0.106) | 24 | 11,37,50 199 4 | 12,36,48 -33 1 | 13,35,46 -26 1 | 1,34,44 -33 1 | 2,33,42 75 4 | 3,32,40 -91 0 | 11 91 |
24 | Bonny1 (SS +0) | 18 | 5,31,44 301 4 | 6,30,42 -19 2 | 7,29,40 -23 1 | 8,28,51 -69 1 | 9,27,49 -32 2 | 39,10,47 -77 1 | 11 81 |
25 | timiki (SS +0.0333) | 34 | 8,21,47 39 2 | 10,22,46 48 4 | 12,23,45 -49 0 | 1,24,44 -93 0 | 3,25,43 151 4 | 5,26,42 -64 1 | 11 32 |
26 | bodacap (SS -0.0833) | 30 | 4,17,43 65 4 | 6,18,42 95 4 | 8,19,41 38 2 | 10,20,40 -77 1 | 12,21,52 -125 0 | 1,22,51 -40 0 | 11 -44 |
27 | tyltyl (SS +0.0278) | 28 | 2,15,41 -159 0 | 4,16,40 -176 0 | 6,17,52 75 4 | 8,18,51 171 4 | 10,19,50 -28 1 | 12,20,49 7 2 | 11 -110 |
28 | wongdordor (SS -0.25) | 35 | 9,22,48 -54 1 | 11,23,47 -46 1 | 13,24,46 166 4 | 2,25,45 66 2 | 4,26,44 -24 1 | 6,14,43 -12 1 | 10 96 |
29 | Bolal (SS +0.0389) | 42 | 3,16,29 21 2 | 6,18,30 -49 0 | 9,20,31 -22 1 | 12,22,32 -19 1 | 2,24,33 66 2 | 5,26,34 85 4 | 10 82 |
30 | rijka (SS +0.406) | 3 | 16,29,42 -37 0 | 15,27,52 -13 2 | 14,38,49 -48 2 | 26,36,46 -11 1 | 25,34,43 -56 1 | 24,32,40 190 4 | 10 25 |
31 | Ladyfinger (SS +0.0833) | 26 | 13,39,52 114 4 | 1,38,50 -80 0 | 2,37,48 98 4 | 3,36,46 -60 0 | 4,35,44 -14 2 | 5,34,42 -88 0 | 10 -30 |
32 | Renzi (SS -0.283) | 43 | 4,17,30 -16 1 | 7,19,31 -63 1 | 10,21,32 -12 1 | 13,23,33 209 4 | 3,25,34 -76 0 | 6,14,35 25 2 | 9 67 |
33 | suroit (SS +0.05) | 22 | 9,35,48 9 2 | 10,34,46 -42 0 | 11,33,44 91 4 | 12,32,42 -143 0 | 13,31,40 68 2 | 1,30,51 -4 1 | 9 -21 |
34 | wortex (SS +0.194) | 12 | 25,38,51 -68 0 | 24,36,48 -94 0 | 23,34,45 65 4 | 22,32,42 113 4 | 21,30,52 -55 1 | 20,28,49 -50 0 | 9 -89 |
35 | kimchan56 (SS +0.05) | 49 | 10,23,36 -14 1 | 13,25,37 187 4 | 3,14,38 -150 0 | 6,16,39 -58 1 | 9,18,27 -103 1 | 12,20,28 -49 1 | 8 -187 |
36 | cindy51 (SS -0.178) | 23 | 10,36,49 -128 0 | 11,35,47 39 2 | 12,34,45 -20 1 | 13,33,43 -57 1 | 1,32,41 -48 1 | 2,31,52 60 2 | 7 -154 |
37 | c00pdNnatop (SS -0.172) | 21 | 8,34,47 -49 1 | 9,33,45 -95 0 | 10,32,43 11 2 | 11,31,41 -80 1 | 12,30,52 66 2 | 13,29,50 -57 1 | 7 -204 |
38 | once (SS -0.0333) | 2 | 15,28,41 90 4 | 14,39,51 -21 1 | 26,37,48 27 1 | 25,35,45 -114 0 | 24,33,42 -50 1 | 23,31,52 -159 0 | 7 -227 |
39 | kadereit (SS -0.144) | 37 | 11,24,50 -66 1 | 13,25,49 46 2 | 2,26,48 -186 0 | 4,14,47 -84 1 | 6,15,46 48 2 | 8,16,45 -24 1 | 7 -266 |
40 | tankbot (SS -0.0833) | 32 | 6,19,45 -59 1 | 8,20,44 -154 0 | 10,21,43 -60 0 | 12,22,42 49 2 | 1,23,41 -27 2 | 3,24,40 -16 2 | 7 -267 |
41 | bbk666 (SS -0.272) | 41 | 2,15,28 72 2 | 5,17,29 -9 1 | 8,19,30 -89 0.5 | 11,21,31 -78 2 | 1,23,32 -101 0 | 4,25,33 -51 1 | 6.5 -256 |
42 | berkt (SS +0.0278) | 8 | 21,34,47 -177 0 | 20,32,44 -123 1 | 19,30,41 -89 0.5 | 18,28,51 40 2 | 17,39,48 7 1 | 16,37,45 -10 2 | 6.5 -352 |
43 | DAJA (SS -0.128) | 17 | 4,30,43 4 2 | 5,29,41 -54 0 | 6,28,52 -89 0 | 7,27,50 14 1 | 8,39,48 22 2 | 9,38,46 -38 1 | 6 -141 |
44 | Heliangelus (SS -0.0111) | 15 | 2,28,41 -3 1 | 3,27,52 -34 1 | 4,39,50 83 2 | 5,38,48 -49 0 | 6,37,46 -134 0 | 7,36,44 -9 2 | 6 -146 |
45 | Jiemei (SS -0.0556) | 45 | 6,19,32 17 2 | 9,21,33 -2 1 | 12,23,34 4 2 | 2,25,35 -71 1 | 5,14,36 -139 0 | 8,16,37 -84 0 | 6 -275 |
46 | ohna16 (SS +0.283) | 9 | 22,35,48 -69 0 | 21,33,45 3 2 | 20,31,42 26 2 | 19,29,52 -82 2 | 18,27,49 -113 0 | 38,46,17 -161 0 | 6 -396 |
47 | dzumshud (SS -0.183) | 6 | 19,32,45 -62 0 | 18,30,42 -27 1 | 17,28,52 -23 1 | 16,39,49 61 2 | 15,37,46 -14 1 | 14,35,43 -78 0 | 5 -143 |
48 | bady123 (SS +0.0667) | 4 | 17,30,43 -53 0 | 16,28,40 -35 1 | 15,39,50 -24 1 | 14,37,47 -91 0 | 26,35,44 -25 0 | 25,33,41 -68 0 | 2 -296 |
49 | playgmes (SS +0.344) | 11 | 24,37,50 -119 0 | 23,35,47 -134 0 | 22,33,44 -92 0 | 21,31,41 -123 0 | 20,29,51 -136 0 | 19,27,48 -85 1 | 1 -689 |
50 | hopeless (SS -0.1) | 39 | 13,26,52 -80 1 | 2,14,51 -91 0 | 4,15,50 -179 0 | 6,16,49 -118 0 | 8,17,48 -148 0 | 18,10,47 -104 0 | 1 -720 |
51 | getrich888 (SS -0.0278) | 13 | 26,39,52 -85 0 | 25,37,49 -139 0 | 24,35,46 -197 0 | 23,33,43 -159 0 | 22,31,40 -105 0 | 21,29,50 -77 0 | 0 -762 |
52 | AndiGold (SS +0.583) | 7 | 20,33,46 -194 0 | 19,31,43 -157 0 | 18,29,40 -109 0 | 17,27,50 -159 0 | 16,38,47 -133 0 | 15,36,44 -103 0 | 0 -855 |
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Hungarian Open Round 6
I won the first three hands, and then coasted to a table win (the other three were taking their points from each other, rather than me, so I still had a 40-point cushion at the end of the game). The magic table:
Hungarian Open Round 5
My goal was to win out, or at worst get 10 points. Missing second place by one point here means that didn't happen. There were lot of people stepping on each other, either by luck or by defense, and I wasn't drawing -- I started one hand with 11 tiles toward a knitted hand, and finished with the same 11 tiles. Oh well. Back down to 14th place, now six points behind the clear leader.
Hungarian Open Round 4
Won four hands, two of them large and self-drawn so I had a comfortable lead and could afford to pay for the last three hands and still win by over 200 points. The fourth player didn't show up until there were only twenty minutes left; even with winning at the end she couldn't get out of last place at the table. Up to eighth place again; still three points off the lead, as three of the five players tied at the top won their round 4 game too (two of them very convincingly).
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Hungarian Open Round 3
Well, so much for that. One lousy hand, and back down to 17th. I'll have to double-check (except I think I forgot to save the game), but I felt like that it was half bad decisions and half no-way-not-with-those-tiles.
Remember: tomorrow is another day. The plus side is I'm only three points off the pace.
I can't get a PDF in here, so maybe I'll rewrite my crosstable generator to generate HTML crosstables instead. That'd be cool, right?
Edit: Let's see how well my automatic HTML generation looks:
Remember: tomorrow is another day. The plus side is I'm only three points off the pace.
I can't get a PDF in here, so maybe I'll rewrite my crosstable generator to generate HTML crosstables instead. That'd be cool, right?
Edit: Let's see how well my automatic HTML generation looks:
Rank | Name | Number | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Totals |
1 | mahjong6002 (SS -0.361) | 50 | 11,24,37 -14 2 | 1,26,38 199 4 | 4,15,39 120 4 | 10 305 |
2 | kirchenmaus (SS -0.361) | 19 | 6,32,45 104 4 | 7,31,43 -17 2 | 8,30,41 140 4 | 10 227 |
3 | Atticus (SS +0.0833) | 31 | 5,18,44 -68 2 | 7,19,43 237 4 | 9,20,42 52 4 | 10 221 |
4 | bodacap (SS -0.472) | 30 | 4,17,43 65 4 | 6,18,42 95 4 | 8,19,41 38 2 | 10 198 |
5 | ComboRus (SS -0.139) | 10 | 23,36,49 95 4 | 22,34,46 33 2 | 21,32,43 61 4 | 10 189 |
6 | nobody (SS +0.639) | 38 | 12,25,51 79 4 | 1,26,50 -76 1 | 3,14,49 287 4 | 9 290 |
7 | WuTiao (SS +0.25) | 27 | 1,14,40 79 4 | 3,15,52 106 4 | 5,16,51 -31 1 | 9 154 |
8 | Cynosure (SS -0.389) | 47 | 8,21,34 187 4 | 11,23,35 141 4 | 1,25,36 -72 0 | 8 256 |
9 | GreatMind (SS +0.528) | 36 | 10,23,49 47 2 | 12,24,48 134 4 | 1,25,47 -8 2 | 8 173 |
10 | JulJul (SS +0.361) | 48 | 9,22,35 114 4 | 12,24,36 -7 2 | 2,26,37 61 2 | 8 168 |
11 | Ladyfinger (SS -0.0278) | 26 | 13,39,52 114 4 | 1,38,50 -80 0 | 2,37,48 98 4 | 8 132 |
12 | merslith (SS +0.139) | 16 | 3,29,42 49 4 | 4,28,40 62 2 | 5,27,51 -20 2 | 8 91 |
13 | Bonny1 (SS +0.25) | 18 | 5,31,44 301 4 | 6,30,42 -19 2 | 7,29,40 -23 1 | 7 259 |
14 | lilou974 (SS -0.222) | 44 | 5,18,31 -76 1 | 8,20,32 208 4 | 11,22,33 38 2 | 7 170 |
15 | Roxan (SS +0.0833) | 40 | 1,14,27 -57 1 | 4,16,28 149 4 | 7,18,29 65 2 | 7 157 |
16 | RoseAnne (SS +0.528) | 51 | 12,25,38 -30 1 | 2,14,39 20 2 | 5,16,27 96 4 | 7 86 |
17 | tabstop (SS +0.306) | 14 | 1,27,40 61 2 | 2,39,51 92 4 | 3,38,49 -89 1 | 7 64 |
18 | CnereF (SS -0.389) | 29 | 3,16,42 -33 1 | 5,17,41 22 2 | 7,18,40 67 4 | 7 56 |
19 | klary (SS +0.0833) | 25 | 12,38,51 19 2 | 13,37,49 -94 1 | 1,36,47 123 4 | 7 48 |
20 | oreggia (SS -0.139) | 24 | 11,37,50 199 4 | 12,36,48 -33 1 | 13,35,46 -26 1 | 6 140 |
21 | hushishou22 (SS -0.5) | 20 | 7,33,46 124 4 | 8,32,44 69 2 | 9,31,42 -56 0 | 6 137 |
22 | once (SS -0.0556) | 2 | 15,28,41 90 4 | 14,39,51 -21 1 | 26,37,48 27 1 | 6 96 |
23 | wongdordor (SS -0.361) | 35 | 9,22,48 -54 1 | 11,23,47 -46 1 | 13,24,46 166 4 | 6 66 |
24 | suroit (SS +0.306) | 22 | 9,35,48 9 2 | 10,34,46 -42 0 | 11,33,44 91 4 | 6 58 |
25 | timiki (SS -0.0556) | 34 | 8,21,47 39 2 | 10,22,46 48 4 | 12,23,45 -49 0 | 6 38 |
26 | Rostved66 (SS -0.583) | 33 | 7,20,46 -53 1 | 9,21,45 94 4 | 11,22,44 -37 1 | 6 4 |
27 | Geparda (SS -0.0833) | 46 | 7,20,33 123 2 | 10,22,34 -39 1 | 13,24,35 57 2 | 5 141 |
28 | kimchan56 (SS +0.194) | 49 | 10,23,36 -14 1 | 13,25,37 187 4 | 3,14,38 -150 0 | 5 23 |
29 | Jiemei (SS -0.472) | 45 | 6,19,32 17 2 | 9,21,33 -2 1 | 12,23,34 4 2 | 5 19 |
30 | Heliangelus (SS -0.278) | 15 | 2,28,41 -3 1 | 3,27,52 -34 1 | 4,39,50 83 2 | 4 46 |
31 | lajosch (SS -0.806) | 52 | 13,26,39 51 2 | 3,15,27 -59 0 | 6,17,28 37 2 | 4 29 |
32 | ohna16 (SS +0.25) | 9 | 22,35,48 -69 0 | 21,33,45 3 2 | 20,31,42 26 2 | 4 -40 |
33 | wortex (SS +0.583) | 12 | 25,38,51 -68 0 | 24,36,48 -94 0 | 23,34,45 65 4 | 4 -97 |
34 | rijka (SS +0.417) | 3 | 16,29,42 -37 0 | 15,27,52 -13 2 | 14,38,49 -48 2 | 4 -98 |
35 | tiamba (SS +0.667) | 5 | 18,31,44 -157 0 | 17,29,41 41 4 | 16,27,51 -45 0 | 4 -161 |
36 | tyltyl (SS -0.556) | 28 | 2,15,41 -159 0 | 4,16,40 -176 0 | 6,17,52 75 4 | 4 -260 |
37 | bbk666 (SS -0.0278) | 41 | 2,15,28 72 2 | 5,17,29 -9 1 | 8,19,30 -89 0.5 | 3.5 -26 |
38 | Bolal (SS +0.472) | 42 | 3,16,29 21 2 | 6,18,30 -49 0 | 9,20,31 -22 1 | 3 -50 |
39 | Renzi (SS -0.0833) | 43 | 4,17,30 -16 1 | 7,19,31 -63 1 | 10,21,32 -12 1 | 3 -91 |
40 | cindy51 (SS +0.139) | 23 | 10,36,49 -128 0 | 11,35,47 39 2 | 12,34,45 -20 1 | 3 -109 |
41 | c00pdNnatop (SS -0.278) | 21 | 8,34,47 -49 1 | 9,33,45 -95 0 | 10,32,43 11 2 | 3 -133 |
42 | xiexienoon (SS +1.31) | 1 | 14,27,40 -83 0 | 26,38,50 -43 2 | 25,36,47 -43 1 | 3 -169 |
43 | kadereit (SS +0.0278) | 37 | 11,24,50 -66 1 | 13,25,49 46 2 | 2,26,48 -186 0 | 3 -206 |
44 | dzumshud (SS -0.25) | 6 | 19,32,45 -62 0 | 18,30,42 -27 1 | 17,28,52 -23 1 | 2 -112 |
45 | bady123 (SS -0.0833) | 4 | 17,30,43 -53 0 | 16,28,40 -35 1 | 15,39,50 -24 1 | 2 -112 |
46 | DAJA (SS -0.611) | 17 | 4,30,43 4 2 | 5,29,41 -54 0 | 6,28,52 -89 0 | 2 -139 |
47 | berkt (SS +0.194) | 8 | 21,34,47 -177 0 | 20,32,44 -123 1 | 19,30,41 -89 0.5 | 1.5 -389 |
48 | tankbot (SS -0.222) | 32 | 6,19,45 -59 1 | 8,20,44 -154 0 | 10,21,43 -60 0 | 1 -273 |
49 | hopeless (SS -0.194) | 39 | 13,26,52 -80 1 | 2,14,51 -91 0 | 4,15,50 -179 0 | 1 -350 |
50 | playgmes (SS +0.139) | 11 | 24,37,50 -119 0 | 23,35,47 -134 0 | 22,33,44 -92 0 | 0 -345 |
51 | getrich888 (SS -0.417) | 13 | 26,39,52 -85 0 | 25,37,49 -139 0 | 24,35,46 -197 0 | 0 -421 |
52 | AndiGold (SS +0.472) | 7 | 20,33,46 -194 0 | 19,31,43 -157 0 | 18,29,40 -109 0 | 0 -460 |
Hungarian Open Round 2
Only three hands won this round, but we only finished seven instead of ten, so that was enough for a table win. Six points currently has me in 9th place, so my job is to keep it up and not screw it up.
Hungarian Open Round 1
I won four hands, which feels pretty good given how poorly I've been feeling the last two weeks (and the consequent fact that I don't think I've played a game of MJ for three weeks). Alas, a 150-point comeback by WuTiao on the last two hands (a 22-point self drawn, and a 30-point paid by someone else, so +120 for him and -30 for me) meant I finished second at the table.
I did remember to save the game, so maybe we'll have more of those recaps you all enjoy so much later on. Now: yogurt before round 2.
I did remember to save the game, so maybe we'll have more of those recaps you all enjoy so much later on. Now: yogurt before round 2.
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